In computing, a slot is an expansion port for adding hardware capability. Typically, this includes the ability to install an extra hard disk or to add memory. Often, the slots are color-coded to help distinguish one from another, and some computers come with multiple expansion slots.
A slot is a narrow opening in a machine or container. For example, it could be a hole that you place coins into to make a machine work. It can also refer to a time period in which something can take place, such as a flight time at an airport. You might be able to book your slot a week or more in advance.
Penny slots are especially appealing because they can provide a huge payout without having to bet very much money. The bright lights and jingling jangling of these machines are designed to lure players in with their flashy appeal. However, there are some important things to keep in mind when playing penny slots.
Before you play any slot, read the pay table and know how it works. This information will tell you how much you can win if the symbols listed in the pay table line up on the machine’s payline. This will help you to determine which slots are worth playing and which ones to avoid.
Flow management is an important part of air traffic control, and it can save significant amounts of money in terms of delays and fuel burn. To achieve this, EUROCONTROL issues slots that give airlines the right to operate at a particular airport at specific times. These slots can be traded, and they are particularly valuable in congested airports with limited runway capacity.